Monday, December 23, 2019
Environmental Impact On The Native American Community Essay
There are plenty of There are plenty of minority groups who are undeniably disparaged against but none as much as the Native American community. Not only did we take their lives and their land but we continue to disrespect the entire community every single day. Our negative attitudes, misconceptions, and offensive stereotypes that we direct their way are not only hate induced but have an extremely negative impact on the Native American Identity. Our poor media representation of the Native American community is overwhelmingly harmful to its citizens and does not seem to be going anywhere anytime soon. We are hearing quite a bit about the Native American community right now with the protesting going on in North Dakota. Oil big business has plans to build a pipeline that will transport crude oil across North Dakota, South Dakota, Iowa, and Illinois. This project will undoubtedly have major environmental impacts on the land that is runs under. The oil company responsible for the project meticulously mapped out where this environmental blunder should be built, and it is unfortunately no surprise as to where they decided it should be. The underground pipeline is set to be built across thousands of acres of Native American land. Of course it is. The level of disrespect and blatant disregard we have as the majority monstrous with dealing with Native Americans. History is once again repeating itself. We are taking land that does not belong to us, destroying it, and then expecting aShow MoreRelatedEffect Of Fishing On The New Foundland Area865 Words  | 4 Pagesequilibrium when at its natural population, and the fishing practices of European Nations forced the fish populations to dangerously below ecological equilibrium (Richter 2001). Notably the Europeans did not share the same sense of environmental awareness as the Native Americans. 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Sunday, December 15, 2019
Seeking Jobs for Ftuers!! Free Essays
TOPIC 1: what jobs are suitable for FTUers? Provide job description for the ones you recommend. What is the advice for today’s job seekers? Hi everyone! Thank you very much for coming here today. I’m Linh. We will write a custom essay sample on Seeking Jobs for Ftuers!! or any similar topic only for you Order Now I’m a first year student of Foreign Trade University. As you all know seeking a suitable job is very important for everyone after graduating, and FTUers are not exceptions. So I’m here today to talk to you about that â€Å"hot†topic: Seeking jobs! My presentation’s not gonna take too long so I hope you’ll find it interesting. I have divided my presentation into three main parts. First of all, I’ll start with the advantage of FTUers. Second, I’ll show you what jobs are suitable for FTUers and provide a description for sales and marketing manager. And third, I’ll offer some advice for today’s job-seekers. Don’t worry! There’ll be plenty of time left over for questions at the end. Before starting, let me explain that I use â€Å"FTU†to stand for â€Å"Foreign Trade University†and â€Å"FTUers†are students of FTU. OK, let me go back to my first point: The advantage of FTUers. FTU is one of the most highly prestigious universities in Vietnam. FTU has gained enormous achievements in providing talented and high quality human resources to the economy and thus made great contribution to the cause of industrialization, modernization and global economic integration of the country. FTU is now offering a wide range of majors and specializations in economics, business, business administration, finance and banking and foreign languages. Students from FTU are recognized as being active and well-qualified. Most graduates from our university are likely to get the top priority of selection when they apply for jobs in companies and organizations in Vietnam. In some areas, FTUers are more needed by employers than the students majoring in the area itself (for example: in banking, FTU candidates are said to be more competitive than ones from Banking Institution). What I mean is that being an FTUers, you have more chance to get a nice job than anyone else in any other university. (yes, anyone else! Now, let me turn to the next point. First, I’d like to recap the question â€Å"what jobs are suitable for FTUers? †As I said before, FTU graduates are so active and could apply for many kinds of job positions. They tend to find a job which has high salary, professional and active working environment, many opportunities to get ahead a promotion. If you’re a student specializing in economy, namely you can work for the leading import-export business, joint-venture companies, Int ernational co-operation agency in commercial field. Or if you major in banking and financial, you can work in the sale division or the credit department for the banks such as: ANZ, Agribank, BIDV†¦ or securities companies. There are so many jobs being suitable for FTUers and choosing a job depends on many different factors. I believe that FTU graduates will get the best suitable job for themselves. We ARE the best, right? Well, as I promised before, now I’d like to provide a description for sales and marketing manager. As a sales and marketing manager, you’ll be involved in many different roles depending on whom you work for. Job duties include: assisting Marketing Manager in coordinating various integrated communication and marketing activities, coordinating in production of a wide range of marketing communications, providing product positioning materials as well as training for customer service and sales, working with customers in developing case studies, references, and testimonials, etc. And to become a good manager, you should have computer proficiency skills; plan decisions and practice good judgment; effective project management skills and ability to operate under solid pressure and meet tight deadlines. And of course, you have to be a self-motivated, confident, energetic, and creative person not only to get this job but also many other jobs. And now, let me move on to the final point of my presentation. Getting a job nowadays becomes harder and harder. So I’d like to offer some advice for today’s job seekers to help them get a good job. Before I talk about my advice, I want you to know that there are quite a lot of things you need to prepare to get a job so now I just give you some basic tips. The very first thing that you need to do is before an interview, please do research carefully (really carefully) about the company. You should be able to cite data you’ve learned about them. And remember: you have to be constantly positive and convinced (constantly positive and convinced) within your heart that you really want to work for this company. Even a slight lack of enthusiasm can affect the outcome. (Yes, I said even a slight lack of enthusiasm) The second thing is finding an experienced friend to rehearse an interview. Better yet, make a video! You need to be rigorously critical about your performance and never give up improving that performance. And the last but not the least is being prepared for rejections, and don’t waste your time getting angry at the perceived unfairness of them. Just get better at your interview skills for the next time. Well, that final tip brings me to the end of my presentation. I’d like to run through my three main parts again: The first part is the advantage of FTUers, the second part is what jobs are suitable for FTUers and a job description for sales and marketing manager, and the last part is some basic tips for today’s job seekers. I hope my presentation is comprehensible and useful for you guys. Thank you very much for listening. And now if you have any question, please feel free to ask me. How to cite Seeking Jobs for Ftuers!!, Essay examples
Saturday, December 7, 2019
Odysseus vs Oedipus free essay sample
Both Oedipus and Othello are distinguished by nobility: Oedipus by birth and deed and Othello by a distinguished career. Oedipus is the son of King Laius and Jocasta his wife, the king and queen of Thebes. Because of an oracle prophesying that King Laius will be murdered by his son, Oedipus is left to die in the mountains where Cithaeron is(1472). He is then rescued by a shepherd and raised by Polybus. . . king of Corinth/and Merope, the Dorian (834-35). Not only is Oedipus noble in his birth and upbringing, he is also noble in deed. Upon coming to Thebes as a young man, Oedipus answers the riddle of the Sphinx, who is terrorizing the citizens, and rids the city of this monster. In turn he is made King of Thebes and marries, unknowingly, his mother, the queen. Othello, on the other hand, is noble only by deed. He is a Moor and a barbarian by Venetian customs. He is an outsider, yet he is accepted by the Venetian people because of his distinguished career as general of the Venetian army. In defense of his lack of noble heritage, Othello asserts: I fetch my life and being / From men of royal siege (1. . 20-21). It is his rank that makes him noble. His contemporaries also praise him as brave Othello (2. 1. 37), and they declare that he commands / Like a full soldier (2. 1. 35-36). Oedipus and Othello have the nobility that a true tragic hero must have, yet this nobility is only the armor that covers the true weakness that lies within each man. Although they show it in different ways, Oedipus and Othello both suffer from a similar character flaw, the sin of pride. Oedipus pride is revealed in his belief that he is greater than the gods. He believes that he is capable of establishing his own destiny apart from the gods control or help. When the priest, at the beginning of the story, begs Oedipus to help the people in the time of famine and trouble, he states: It was God / That aided you, men say, and you are held / With Gods assistance to have saved our lives (43-45). The priest is referring to Oedipus answer to the riddle of the Sphinx, which delivered the people of Thebes from the Sphinxs oppression. Later, however, Oedipus pride is revealed when, speaking of the same event, he says: But I came, / Oedipus, who knew nothing, and I stopped her. I solved the riddle by my wit alone (433-35). Othello also suffers from the hamartia of pride. His pride, however, stems from his insecurity concerning his appearance and social graces. His father-in-law speaks of Othellos sooty bosom in reference to his blackness (1. 2. 69). Othello admits freely that he is rude . . . in [his] speech (1. 3. 81). And finally, insight is given to this appearance through the words of Brabantio, his father-in-law, who speaks incredulously of his daughters love for Othello: To fall in love with what she feared to look upon (1. . 98). The insecurity Othello feels concerning his appearance and social graces ultimately leads to jealousy over Desdemonas love for him, yet, within this jealousy, his true fear and pride are revealed. Othellos true fear is what other people will think about him. When Iago prods him, Othello says: My name, that was as fresh / As Dians visage, is now begrimed and black (3. 3. 383-84). Later, when speaking to Desdemona, Othello whines: But alas, to make me / The fixed figure for the time of scorn (4. 2. 3). Othello fears that other men will laugh at him because of the unfaithfulness of his wife, and his pride is what truly motivates his desire for revenge. Pride becomes the fertile ground in both Oedipus and Othello for the seeds of their destruction and ruin. Although the details vary, Oedipus and Oth ello both suffer great shame and loss because of the pride within their hearts. Oedipus pride is turned to shame as his murder of his father and his incestuous relationship with his mother are brought to light. Then he begins to lose those things that are most precious to him. First, he loses his mother and wife as Jocasta is found hanging, the twisted rope around her neck (1294). Next he loses his sight as he takes Jocastas gold chased brooches fastening her robe (1299) and dashes them upon his eyeballs (1301). Finally, he loses his kingdom as Teiresias prophecy is fulfilled: blindness for sight / And beggary for riches his exchange (503-504). Othellos pride is also turned to shame as he listens to the villainous Iago and murders his innocent wife. In doing this terrible deed, he also loses those things most precious to him. First, he loses his true love as Desdemona forgives him from her death bed by trying to hide his guilt. When asked Who has done this deed? she replies: Nobody-I myself (5. 2. 123-4). Later, Othello admits that he threw a pearl away / Richer than all his tribe (5. 2. 343-44). Then he completely loses his honor as he is replaced by Cassio as governor and branded a murderer. Finally, he loses his life as he declares: I took by the throat the circumcised dog / And smote him-thus (5. . 351-52) as he kills himself. Pride destroys both Oedipus and Othello. Oedipus and Othello both learn through their experiences that pride is a destructive vice indeed, and that men who choose to be proud are destined for great suffering in this life. Blind Oedipus and dead Othello, who feared even greater suffering beyond the grave, are true tragic heroes in their final state, for it is here that people can look upon them and lea rn what they learned only too late. Pride is deadly.
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